Sunday, February 17, 2008

Old Korean Women and the Seoul Subway

This old tiny women, who had to have been around 4'7" and 60+ years old, came into my train car today with a cart full of gum. A lot of people sell stuff on the train, so I'm used to it; however, she did have some unique selling tactics. She didn't say a single word to anyone, she just starting chucking packets of gum into people's laps (she startled quite a few people). After a few minutes, if they didn't show some cash, she would go collect her gum. Luckily, I was standing so I didn't get gum thrown at me.

A lot of the subways have mirrors randomly placed throughout them. There was one on the other side of the tracks that I was waiting at, in front of some stairs. Most people who came down the stairs, while I was waiting, stopped and checked themselves out, but the best was this older women (almost-full-head-of-white-hair old). She got real close to the mirror, checked her teeth, fixed her hair, backed up to look at herself, got real close again and THEN she totally did the "how does my ass look in these pants" pose, which she did until her train came. It was really entertaining to watch her.

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