Sunday, February 3, 2008

Korean Barbeque

Last week, our boss took us out for Heidi's going away dinner (she's the teacher I replaced). We went to a traditional sit-on-the-floor Korean restaurant.

You can order different pieces of beef or pork. The pork is cheaper but really fatty. The server comes around once the meat is almost cooked and cuts it up with scissors. On the table there are plates of lettuce leaves and sesame leaves. You put your meat on the leaves and you can put different sauces (hot red pepper sauce, sesame oil, soy sauce) on the meat and/or onions, garlic, or whatever else they have on the table. Then you are supposed to fold it all up and eat it in one bite (that doesn't always happen with us foreigners).

They also always serve a bunch of little side dishes (banchan) at all Korean restaurants. One of the dishes is always kimchi. Other popular ones are radishes, little salads, glass noodles, steamed eggs, and fried tofu.

Here is an example of some side dishes from a different restaurant:Our boss also ordered a bunch of soju, which I think is super nasty. If you have an empty glass, it is customary for Koreans to keep filling it, otherwise it's seen as being a rude host. He just kept pouring us shots. So, I just left a little in my glass, so he wouldn't refill it next round. He made us soju cocktails (soju mixed with coke) when he realized that I didn't like drinking the soju straight. The cocktail was better but still not good.

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