Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cause Everyone Loves Robots

Robot Museum in Hyehwa 

I liked this display because the astronauts reminded me of the doozers from Fraggle Rock. Aren't they making it into a movie? I need to check that out.

Two robots that I thought were cute.

 I love Edward Scissorhands, but whoever made this doll didn't capture the sadness in his eyes.  He looks kind of evil. 

Superman looking not-so-super. Why does the US have to be represented by a busted up toy? I suppose it's better than that lame Canadian car in the corner.

Robot Pop Art. There was a section of different artwork inspired by robots, or so I think. Almost everything was written in Korean, so I'm just guessing. 

Robot Fan. Ice Crusher Rocket. Tire Air Pressure Measurer Robot? Robot Lamp. Robot Clock.

Adam and Eve AM Radio. This made me giggle.

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