Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Photo Investigation: Apgujeong

I've heard a lot about Apgujeong since I've been here. It's often been described to me as a mini LA in Seoul. There's even a street named after Rodeo Drive. I decided to go on a photo investigation to see what it was all about. 

The subway map alone validated its comparisons to LA for me. I checked the map to see which exit I should take, but the map is pretty much only useful if you're looking to get some plastic surgery. The subway maps generally list popular destination points in a neighborhood such as parks, museums, or temples. This subway map showed all the places where you can get cosmetic surgery and apartment buildings with castle or mansion in their names. 

I got out and picked a random street to walk down. The number of plastic surgery centers was ridiculous. After counting ten different ones just on one block, I decided to try out another street, to see what else this place had to offer. 
If you're not in the market for a new face, you can blow your money on a really expensive foreign car instead. The only car dealers I've see in my hood are Daewoo and Hyundai. 

I did stumble upon some pretty neat building designs.

D-Square building.

Even the Starbucks building's design was cool. It's also the biggest Starbucks I've ever seen. Seoulites seem to have adopted the European cafe culture, so a get-in-get-out Starbucks design, like those back home, wouldn't fly here. 

A man getting his perm on. 
There was a pet shop with teeny, unbelievably adorable puppies. The one in the photo was my favorite, I love its quirky cuteness.  I seriously thought about taking him/her home with me. Maybe it's a good thing that I''m allergic to dogs. 

This woman's dog was wearing a pink jacket (maybe to match hers?). That isn't as bad as the dogs I've seen with pink ears or green tails or purple feet. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok... so they love dogs and eat dogs too? i dunno...
i get its just the old generation.. but the new generation needs to quit that "belief" that eating dog is good for u or whatnot. Even if it is only a small population that eats dogs... makes korea look bad.