Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Class Observation

Yesterday I got to observe the classes that I will be taking over next Wednesday. My kindergarten students are the cutest little things ever. They thought my name was Mickey, so they called me Mickey Mouse. They, of course, thought this was hilarious. I think they were a little disappointed when I told them it was Nikki.

For February I will have two kindergarten classes in the morning from 10:40-12:00, and then 4 elementary classes from 3-6. At the end of February, the school year is over and I will get my new schedule which will be the same for the rest of the year.

The school has 7 foreign teachers right now, 5 are Canadian and 2 are from the states. Everyone seems pretty laid back and was very helpful and nice my first day. It seems like a fun environment to work in.

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