Sunday, April 6, 2008

Taking Politics Seriously

For the past couple of weeks there's been some heavy political campaigning in my neighborhood. Every weekend there's been a truck with a huge video screen on it parked at the intersection by my place. First, some guy yells on a megaphone, then they play a video of the politician with some hip music, and then people with sashes, that have the politicians face on them, do a little song and dance. Then they repeat it all. The people with the sashes are also at a lot of the subway stations handing out fliers and flashing peace signs to everyone. Oh, and when one of those trucks isn't parked at an intersection, it's driving around my neighborhood blaring music/speeches/propaganda.
These were the dancers/chanters. They were posted at all four corners. Their dance was a little weak compared to the performance I saw on Friday by another politician's group. Those guys were in some fly suits and their choreography was pretty tight. These guys are going to have to step it up if they want to win.

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